Tuesday, February 23, 2010

H.pylori Herbal Treatment

berufl. screening: adaptation of the minimum conversion rate

Although our economic future and therefore our client is anything but safe, at least in this area at least something for sure: the problems of old age are grow in a one way street. The situation is quite easy to explain: People are getting older, been around since the 60's a congenital deficiency of the social problems of today's youth, we owe the baby boomers move that further work up. On the other hand, there is an enormous resistance from the left to move the retirement age upward, which in future will be inevitable anyway.

The People's Initiative "Adjustment of the Minimum Conversion Act" provides for the possibility that the conversion rate from * uniform today 7% for men and 6.95% for women adjusted to 6.4%. This means that each continues to pay the same amount as before Money in the old-checkout, but those who turn 65 Age has reached, will now receive an annual payment of only 6.4% paid out instead of 7%, or 6.95% of its total accumulated OASI balance. This move is urgently needed to avoid an increase in contributions or a ruin to this institution. Who has not made provisions privately or worked with over 65 will have had his reasons for it and should not even destroy the savings capacity of young people, so it is easily to justify that certain people get paid a few francs less, but we may one day something like this get what we pay today.

get * Women a slightly lower amount paid out on the grounds that they live statistically longer and therefore more countries join in the form of pension recipients, things are just ready for this view, a lower payout. This argument is, even if economically speaking of course, from a humanitarian and social point of view very misleading, as can a man should not simply judge based on gender bias in the statistics. Of course, the definition of the conversion rate is done by statistical values, according to which a person is still alive so and so long after 65, but this should not be differentiated based on gender. This kind of thinking would otherwise also allow dass man aus einer Statisitk sehen mag, dass die meisten schweren Verkehrsunfälle von männlichen Personen verursacht werden und mit zunehmenden Sicherheitsmassnahmen steigt die Überlebensquote, was schliesslich zu einer höheren Invaliditatsrate führt und somit die IV mehr belastet....Will man dann etwa auch eine IV- Beitragserhöhung für Männer einführen? Antwort: Nein. Genau so unsinnig ist es also, wenn Frauen gut 1% weniger Rente ausbezahlt bekommen als Männer. Somit ist die diesbezügliche Gleichsetzung notwendig.

Aus wirtschaftlicher Sicht ist die Anpassung längstens notwendig und moralisch aus allen Aspekten vertretbar. Daher sollte ein JA an der Urne resultieren.


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