Monday, April 26, 2010

Funny Getting Married Invitation Wordings

25.03.-31.03.2010 - Mickey Mouse Land - The "cultural" highlight of our trip

to believe! With a 4 hour delay we arrive after 24 hours of travel time at the airport in Miami. Even early in the morning at 1:30 clock can the Americans at the time of entry. Over two hours we stand or sit patiently in line and wait until we get our entry permit. At regular intervals, probably heard the friendly voice of America: "Welcome to the USA" - a bit absurd, really we do not feel welcome right now.

Nicoletta interested in pursuing every 5 minutes repeating Safety on the flickering screen in front of us and is probably the only one who can end the film both in English and in English by heart. Finally, at 3.45 we made it-all passports are stamped. Anyway, we hurried to the car and down to Fort Lauderdale. After a long wait for the bus to the rental-car center and a ride in the pouring rain and without navigation, we reach the goal at sunrise and are finally about 6:00 clock in our beds.

A typical Amihotel is our property, with perfect ocean view. Unfortunately, our first day is rainy, so we have not really something from the pool and the sea. And what else do as Europeans in America? Shopping. For girls, the excitement is rising so slowly. 6 months ago the kids talk of nothing else, as they will meet the end of our tour Mickey Mouse. The big reward for 6 months museum and church visits. After a sunny drive in Explorer, we reach Disney World, where we live on the Fort Wilderness campground in a small wooden hut.

A great solution - away from the plush hotel complexes, in the woods and the lake, which we translate directly by boat to the Magic Kingdom, where Mickey and Minnie live.

Nicoletta and Alexia are no longer tenable. The castle is visible from afar, after the mandatory security checks, we throw ourselves into purely Walt Disney crowd.

for the children is overwhelming, amazing them with open eyes and can not believe it. The next 2 days we can drive us from the desires of the girls and remain only in the theme park, Magic Kingdom ". Anything else would probably be the complete flash for our blonde princesses. Surpised by the kids walking through the Mickey and Minnie houses. Alexia by Minnie's house much better, because as she says "very properly" is. Awesome Excitement reigns at the "Meet & Greet" from Mickey and Minnie.

Antonia screwed up the group photo. The various carousels are sometimes tried several times with longer waiting times. Dumbo the elephant is the big favorite for all girls. Erik remembers his first visit to Disney World with his friend John just under 25 years. But "Small World" - a journey through a miniature world provides a lot of fun. But not only the little girls Walt Disney casts a spell. Also, Erik and Ariane rejoice in the great made costumes, the perfect Celebration staged shows or the illuminated night parade. Solely with "Meet the Princess dinner" at which the girls of course participate in the matching princess costumes with Sleeping Beauty, Ariel and Snow White, we have two cheesy grin on the display.

Thanks to our campground stay, we may even stay two hours longer than the "normal people" and draw on both days until late at night around the area. To change the time, the waiting times at many of the essential attractions shorter, only "Peter Pan" is called for at night at 0.00 clock still 70 minutes waiting time. We let out. Full of impressions we leave a little overtired a perfectly organized fantasy world, not without us even delight in the colorful and spectacular fireworks with music have. And again we can hear Mickey's voice whisper in the background: "Let your dreams come true. What a cheesy, but nice conclusion of our 6-Monday: family outing, because in the end this crazy idea began so well for us with a dream.

spend the last night of our trip, we at Bogi, a cousin of Ariane's mother, Ulla, and near Fort Myers on the peninsula "Sanibel".

on Sanibel, there are no street lights so that Alexia us her small torch of "Scout" with the words "if the roads are not lit, then you can have my flashlight," offers. We must come up with our little rascals and enjoy a warm welcome in a very mixed gin / tonic. The girls briefly inhabit the pool, which was even ever occupied by Alligator "Otto", before a fence had the old men in their place. With good wine, we verklönen the evening and come to bed late. The next day, quickly grab nor the last shells on the beach of Sanibel and then we make ourselves quickly to the Miami airport.

Air Berlin we flew on 10.4.2009 into our family adventures and Air Berlin is to bring us safely back to Germany. The girls are amazed that they all speak German again. We feel at home again, because we will promptly when accompanied by a German asked soberly, that our children should their normal child-friendly volume down a bit.

Welcome home! Our impression is confirmed, in every country, people are child-friendly than in Germany. Yet we allow ourselves to not spoil the anticipation of home. As promised, we will fly directly to the grandparents. The "station" at the airport could not have been cordial. The grandparents, Tim and Betty and Henry and Julia have traveled with the kids to greet us. The sun shines, we want more.

A great time is running out. We are grateful and a bit relieved that we all have brought healthy home. We will long live on the many great experiences, certainly with some of the many nice people we got to know on our trip, keep in touch welcome and hopefully one or the other here in Bad Homburg.

Is there anything else you want to know what you? Then send us an email to ariane.massmann @ or erik.massmann @ or just come by. We look forward to.

Finally a couple of "Facts & Figures:

Number of flights: 31

Flown Mileage: 73.467km (45 650 mi)

orbits: 1.83 times

Duration: 97:07 hours (4 days)

Delayed flights: 2

Longest delay: 7.5 hours

losses due to diseases: 0 days

snow days: 0 days

rain days: 10 days

sunny days: 175

days with temperature below 10 degrees: 3 days

days under with temperature below 0 degree: 0 days

travelers families with children made: 4 families

backpacks on and unpacked: 82mal

9600 photos deleted them to date 6500

183 x fries squashed

travel budget: J - 4x increase

Friday, April 23, 2010

Can You Go Tanning After Waxing

restaurant Kiek in St. Peter-Ording, Abenstimmung

is to enjoy on the terrace of his wine or a delicious serving of sour to eat meat, do it in April, nor too cold. Inside the restaurant but it is very cozy and warm muggelich to relax and chat with friends. Take a look 'surprised to be stop by just how good it tastes to us and what a great Aufwahl of German wines we can offer you.
pleasure just got a name: restaurant Kiek in St. Peter-Ording and wine country St. Peter-Ording.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Whalers Merchandise Sales

pedophile hysteria as concealment of Kinderschändereien?

An outcry recently by Holland's media as the PNVD (Party for Charity, Freedom and diversity). This advocates the legalization of child eroticism, and a reduction of the age from 14 to 12 years, and is therefore entitled to be a "pedophile" party. Much ado about nothing? Or is there more to it?

way: The foreign word "pedophiles" are the two Greek words "Pädos" and "Philo" meaning: child and lover. Ad absurdum is now the word "child lover" as a synonym for "child molester" misinterpreted. What is meant by the term actually means really pedosexual and describes the sexual preferences for children before puberty.

Back to topic: Without wishing to talk to deviate from what age a person as "ripe for sexual conduct is to apply ", will arise the question of how left far such decisions to the individual and the need to set the criteria for absolute age limits. protection measures have their place, even only as to unwanted pregnancies to be prevented. The substantive discussion should at least not with a primitive mud fight be stopped, as is achieved in this way is no solution.

In our society, one proceeds with a strict rejection of any sexuality of children under 16. As it officially is, should this approach the fight against child abuse. What are outgrowths of this absolutism lead, however, can show the following examples:

-In Australia, someone dragged to court because he published a porno for the fun of cartoon characters. It was about the American cartoon series The Simpsons. " (The TV series "The Simpsons" is an average American family and is an internationally popular everyday comedy). The two figures of children, "Lisa" and "beard" are also "verschandet" pornographic and loaded onto a facebook profile. Whether this is funny or not, everyone should decide for themselves. But the fact is that someone has a trial at the neck, although he has harmed anyone with his drawings. Is it justifiable for example, that someone in the Corner of child molester is made, just because he made some drawings?

-A well-known case is the Swedish children's film "Madicken. An absolutely harmless film by Astrid Lindgren plays around the time of the first World War II and revolves around the Swedish countryside. In a brief scene, the actress and her little sister Madicken be seen naked, but absolutely no sexual consent. This totally harmless film can be broadcast in prime time on Swedish regional stations. In the U.S. you vertretet apparently a different perspective as the film was declared as child pornography pädophiliefördernde-light and it started a recall campaign. The Swedish film company "Nordic Art" had a "trabeculae version of" produce, which this film is totally ridiculous.

The ban on the production of real child pornography is justified by the paralysis of children. It is considered abuse, unzurechnugsfähige people pose for porn leave and is therefore prohibited by the Youth Protection Act. The ban would have, but on the specific production target with real models. If all the general representation of all types are interpreted as child pornography images or the mere possession of which is punishable by the law practice gets into ridiculous depths. The criminality criterion must therefore turn to whether effective for the image a child has been abused or not. To view pictures of drawings, animations and artificial innocuous children's films would be harmless, because no real person in the game for it. The state has the task of the producers of real child porn sanction because minors takes place in real life and not in the virtual world.

is interesting that certain politicians have allowed themselves. What Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Green MEP and earlier in a violent radical leftist group with Joschka Fischer, the highest German Green, made in a kindergarten, can be best explained by his quote: "....
constant flirt with all children soon erotic moves "assumed" I could really feel how the little girl had learned of five already, to make me. "And how" several times happened that some kids my codpiece have opened and started to stroke me, "
he qualified this statement in retrospect a little with following statement: "5-year-old girls are too young to me. I prefer 7 -.. Years, I'll not know everything to teach themselves, "

front by a hysteria triggered due to benign images in children's films and drawings to in this way real to hide from children practiced perversions What emerges is a totally absurd reference to the real problem.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bombay Bicycle Recipes

Dear Reader?

Sry I was really in the last few months a lot of stress and have or wanted to give up the BLOG ..

but my question to you .. reads the blog or who? IF yes? WHO ..

it pays off (again) to continue?

lg dominik