Thursday, March 3, 2011

Best Roller Skates For Pavement

An unusual silence ...

... has in the past two weeks in our house and sneaked in because of my blog. After two long and wonderful years we had, unfortunately, from our second cat Pauline adopt us after our first cat Grisu had already left due to illness last year.

is dealing with this unusual silence often very difficult, but lack their presence, their Schmusereien and the soft mewl at all corners and edges. Suddenly you can sear meat for lunch or open a tuna can, without being directly behind a demanding and requires its share. Also working in the garden is suddenly very quiet, but it was all those years always with me together in the garden and has overseen all the work. The cat diabetes, in which it has suffered since last year, for us, but surprisingly ended in renal failure, without that we could really say goodbye to her. The cat owners among you, I need not explain how much you depend on their pets and how difficult such a farewell.

Now we want but let's take a look in our garden, slowly and quietly looks a little bit of spring. My Christmas rose is in bloom in the meantime,

after some cleaning up and the knot garden looks very well behaved from

and when - like today - the sun is shining so bright, one has but slowly the feeling that spring is not too can be long in coming.

are of course also with us the snowdrops already longer a real beauty.

This year I have only a "building site" made in the garden: The ugly green tarnished Grill fire will finally disappear from the garden and make way for a new design. How accurate is to look, I do not at the moment. Me pink hydrangeas, funkier and some decorative elements float in front of zinc. We'll see.

What looks like a garden tidy, but if you just raking all the leaves from the lawn, right? Well, in the next few weeks a lot of work waiting for me ... is not that wonderful?