Saturday, November 14, 2009

What Episodes Does Dawn Get Tied Up

20 years ago, and when the wall falls the regime?

Great is celebrated in Germany, the fall of the Berlin Wall. From different sides of the public to solve a problem fooled, even as the communist regime is the 9th November 1989 defined. Can to piss the people that simple? Objectively, the GDR with this step is not complete, but serves to increase towards the west have been! is

much for "united Germany today, and on the path to democracy ".... If we summarize briefly some facts together, we get from this Federal Republic is a very different picture:

- The east of the German Empire (Silesia, East Prussia, Danzig, and parts of West Prussia) are still under Polish occupation. With the "2 +1 contract" was only the effect that the Russian occupying forces withdraw from East Germany (ex GDR).

- Party bans opposition parties-for example, in 1932 the largest party is banned under the regime of Germany. The regime is not democratic intention to respect the popular will, but it is the people the object of his "will" adapt to the will of the regime. Anti-democratic stance may be even more difficult.

- restriction of freedom of expression: fines and prison sentences for statements that do not match those in power. Scientists such as chandeliers or Germar Rudolf have already been sentenced to imprisonment because they have books written about historical facts that do not meet the officially propagated state doctrine. Politics in the courthouse instead of in Parliament, the medieval inquisitors have already understood.

- There is no mandatory referendum on relevant political steps, the people are prohibited say.

- Science bans "historical facts" are made by the regime, who says otherwise, you risk also a multi-year prison sentence

- censored Education Ban 40,000 literary works are in this state. This means you may not be traded, for publicity and will not be disclosed to the public. Much of it is political material, critical writings on religion certain preferred religions, things for the general education of the Germans may not have too much ....

Policy, Media, schools and justice really are contaminated by the Red Plague: An alliance of the SPD, Greens, SED-PDS and similar groups oppressed and disenfranchised the people, and pretends it even "democracy".

- At German schools, children are abused for political purposes: Left and philo-Semitic groups are played down, right-wing radicals are often criminalized and displayed as a synonym for racists and extremists, and generalized in a brown stock.

- politicians live the luxury of unlimited: The Green politician is driven by limousine to the airport, it is for the private flight a stay in a 5 - star hotel. Environment or not- the stupid German pay even with his taxes.

- disarming the German population: the acquisition, sale and production of firearms and other goods, that can satisfy every honest citizen should be human right to self defense will be complicated legally. The citizen is at the mercy of the crime without protection, the crime has the monopoly of power over the victim. The right to life therefore requires a permit in Germany!

- Vocational Parliament: A small class of Germans have a seat in Parliament. No wonder: Since the militia Parliament is considered a foreign word, the people ruled by a few dishonest hypocrites who get their "work" more money than some working Citizens.

The biggest joke about the whole thing: the whole is called "Democracy" titled. No wonder: What does the abbreviation DDR should also be clear.

parties like the SPD, Greens, PDS and various Bolsheviks come together to around 30% share of the vote. Accordingly, one could say that every third German is somehow breathed on the left, respectively tolerated such a thing. Not taken into account, however, is how many votes the parties were banned. Would you vote for today banned political parties (% - Percentage in part in the 2-digit) would look to include the situation certainly something different.

since 1918, or at least since 1945 to rule on the floor of the German Reich totalitarianism under foreign rule, the one is like the others, even if they bear different names. The question ultimately is not whether, but how long can the Germans this Schickan like them too.


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