The night is extremely short. We snowboarding after a long and exciting day in Doha at 20.00 clock. All 3 kids are asleep, fortunately before the launch of Qatar Airways. We also try as quickly as possible to find sleep, which takes place well thanks to the generous seat design. After 4 hours of flight time we land in Cochin in Kerala state in south India. Already at the airport we got a taste of this vibrant country. Here it is 3.30 clock in the morning early, but everywhere takes place hive of activity, not only in the customs and passport control. The Indians obviously love forms per passenger are filling out three forms:
- One of entry / visa, ignored the fact that we have already an entry visa;
- An equally detailed for duty
- And - from given reason - another with respect to the swine flu (swineflue)
After the swine flu Germany apparently busy, we get the first time in our journey into contact with it. After presentation of the completed forms we will swineflue - Medical uE not 100% provable - scanned for viruses, of course, of a masked with mask Employees of the Indian Ministry of Health. We are resolved to be healthy and must pass the health barrier. Immigration and customs officials like our blond girl and let us through quickly. At the baggage claim there is intense activity, there also going according to plan, and we can safely assume our various bags and completely opposite. Meanwhile, all three girls are wide awake and eager to see the vans, the unusual activity: many women are smart, colorful sari and men in their lungis (cloth bound with skirts). Excited we enter the hall of the airport to see if our online booking worked out. And see because: It is a bustling Indian with a sign "Ariane Mass man" ran up to us - there is just 'not yet so many whites with three small children at the airport. Quick is the car a wonderfully old typical Indian car brought, we stowed our luggage in the trunk and on the roof and forcing us into the car. Let's go into the night - into the Indian adventure. We get a taste of driving in India and have to admit frankly that the gravel roads in Namibia were world class, however. Again, we arrive and get "Sitara Homestay in Fort Kochin without major delays on the road by sleeping cows etc. It is now around 6:00 clock in the morning, may we kindly refer directly to our room to catch some sleep.
The online booked accommodation, we have been lucky because we have ended up in a very nice Guest House with 2 rooms, fan and a bathroom with hot water and flushing toilet. Certainly could not hurt a renovation, but Nicole and Alexia are excited about the shower, which includes virtually the entire bathroom. Harry and his wife are extremely nice, friendly and have a warm hospitality that we are relieved despite the sweltering heat, the incessant noise and not quite European "purity standards" appropriate streets to arrive in India. The first bonus points are already distributed at breakfast: For the children's Pancake and toast with Nutella. So at least for the time the food issue is resolved. Fast as the Indian hospitality style Harry, a retired bank employee, at the table and puts us his ideas for our further business dar. Its recommendations we save time searching the rather extensive "Lonely Planet" and true quality of the first week is scheduled in India. Also the first Indian charming behavior rules are clear: first
Do not worry. I can do it. - Man is not simply left alone.
second The Indians are a sociable people, and it is not to let his guests to eat alone, but society is made happy.
The first exploration Fort Kochin's is after 5 weeks of dry sun of a challenge: it pours continuously, which just does not lift the spirits of our three small, not really slept ladies. will we be after 5 seconds soaking wet, appropriately enough, the local ATM does not accept the EC card Volksbank Montabaur Höhr-Grenzhausen and does not rupees, so we have to walk (because no money for tuck-tuck) and wet back to Harry. Thanks to the good coffee and existing sprite rises quickly the mood in the evening we visit a Kathakali performance in the backyard. Here are transformed enormously expensive made-up actors in fantastic costumes in the gods, heroes and demons. Drummer and singer to accompany the actors, the Hindu legends describe any difficulty with their facial expressions and gestures. We may attend the elaborate make-up procedure. In the 1.5 hour performance falls asleep Antonia, döselt Erik, Alex likes the Hindu-pop and it bounces to the rhythm of the music. At the end of the performance, we note with great pleasure that we are not the only ones to go with three little girls on a world tour, because we get to know with a French couple that have also returned with his three blond girls (10, 7 and 4 years) for 10 months back on everyday life. Such coincidences are certainly not as often for nice conversation and experience, we arrange to meet for the next day for coffee in the Cafe Beanz "in Fort Kochi. At the subsequent dinner, Harry has even French fries with ketchup for the girls ready.
The next day, the weather is sympathetic. Harry thinks that yesterday's rain was unusual for this season have been. We believe in taking him, but nevertheless our rain jackets and walk through Fort Kochi. We inhale the various new impressions of this fascinating country. The three girls, the head spin. Life in Bad Homburg is so different, however:
- On the road is gone to school or the kindergarten, there are limited sidewalks, everyone goes on the road, cows and goats roam freely around the city .
- home, they should always wear their shoes when they leave the house, here through many barefoot
- Many women their colorful Sarie wear on the street, so chic pulls mom only when a Party is invited.
- Even the men wear skirts (Lungi, a cloth which is worn wrapped as a skirt) that's in Bad Homburg only to Mardi Gras
- Unusual odors elicit , especially Nicole and Alex, a nasal hulls, rice and naan bread all tastes very good.
- Here are just baby bananas, but they taste much better;
- The Tuck-Tuck's look so cool, why are not they in Bad Homburg?
All 'this and much more we discover on the first morning in the city. We are sure that India will have to offer much more.
The sultry heat makes us all too and create the meeting in air-conditioned Beanz Cafe with the three blondes in France a welcome change. In a European coffee enriched with Indian ingenuity, we sit down to ten men at the table and exchange of first travel experience. The girls swap, despite language barriers quickly with magnetic boards to craft chains and be absorbed quickly into their activities. As parents, we all agree that such a journey is an incredibly wonderful family experience, which is great fun and wonderful family welded together.
a next time for the recurring highlight is the tuk-tuk ride. We squeezed five of us behind the driver (almost generous, if you see fit as many school children in such a vehicle) and jolt back through the streets of our Sitara-Home Stay. The typical Indian driving style is also evident here, offensively is always pushed around and the horn is out of date anyway, regardless of the visibility conditions. Mostly it goes well, it helps ensure that the majority of drivers their religion clearly shows. Almost all the tuk-tuk and trucks are in huge letters with slogans like: "Transport of God", "No Fear I'm with you", "Jesus is with you" or images of Hindu gods like Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma equipped.
The next day we set off early on our first car trip gene Munnar. An elephant camp is the goal. We want to see elephants at work and the wash help. The track is actually not much, but almost all make the road conditions and traffic up to a section of 40 km / hr. Today we drive Sunil, a touching 30-year Indian, who adores the girls. Especially Antonia has also taken him quickly in her heart, which causes them - standing between the front seats - he constantly pats his face. Even without this sympathy is the journey an adventure. Tuck-Tuck, trucks, cars, bicycles, pedestrians, every now and again a sacred cow or a goat in between, everything moves honking in a confusing, but apparently somehow subordinate confusion. The roadside is lined by shops without interruption in rural Indian style, meaning there, it looks more like a small shed. Everything for your daily needs is to buy it simple and less diversity as we know it. Time and again we find two different kinds of cookies (Tiger and 40:40) or is candy, it Pampers per store only one packet in XL, and of course hundreds of fruit stands. The small taste gigantic bananas and cucumbers are popular with the girls in class. In addition, we see again and again housewares, meaning there are buckets in all sizes and hues devoted decorated, along with poor fashion "stylish gemerchandised. Observing the constant new experiences is stressful and we are glad when we arrive at camp. Despite active Lonely Planet study we fall - the last 300m on foot as possible - prompt first in the tourist trap. Instead of following our feeling that the elephants are probably already on the river, we follow a group of tourists who are traveling with a guide, using the slogan: "The need to know it yes. After half a mile we have trudged through the mud, explained an elderly man who orders such as waiting for us that we had gone in the wrong direction, and accompanied us back the same way to the River. The words of the guide that we should not hesitate to give the Indians a little money for his help produce a smile on our face and we can not believe that the guide did not know the path. We saw a good and rare example, as many locals to participate in the positive aspects of tourism.
Since "cheat" the Indians of this type usually make with enormous charm and do not hurt the small sums of money really, we can not be angry with them. We are sure that this is not the last time, that we succumb to the charming slyness of the Indians. The elephant camp is for the girls nicely done and everyone must wash in the morning held in the river the elephants skin scrub. Fast are by Nicoletta highlighted the differences between African and Asian elephants: Asian elephant cows have no tusks, and only a tip of the nose at the trunk.
Back in Cochin, we stroll along the harbor, it shows the enthusiasm of many Indians about the three blondes. Again, the poor girls painted his hair or tweaked in the "white" cheeks, nor do they let this enthusiasm outbreaks amazing. Dinner There's a magnificent Indian open-air restaurant. In the background of the third now known to us "one local and truly original theater" is heard again Erik's so "cherished" Hindu-pop. Just before we go, we meet a deja-vue: They are everywhere, our friends, the Studiosus travelers, this time from Bargteheide. Here, too, they travel in air-conditioned minibus, be unloaded directly outside the restaurant and hurry fast walking in the air conditioned interior, to register callback not too much of a natural life. The Hindu-pop like they intended, he is part of the old Kathakali culture ...
13th-14.11.2009 Where is the d ifference?
We sit at a table set, pink and white checkered tablecloth, white china of "Bharat" which now has slightly flaking gold rim. The chairs are well padded and comfortable. In the background, Coldplay is playing on the iPhone connected to the system. Served is good rice, fried fish and seasoned vegetables variants, to Coke, Sprite and water, fried banana for dessert and good coffee. The girls eat rice and bananas and drink - because today is Friday the 13th is - Cola and Sprite. You're cool. After eating, homework is done, then we play Cow & Co., Alex wins. Antonia is expanding its wooden animals age appropriate in the ranks. Actually, it's like home, or is it?
We cruise through the backwaters of Kerala in south India and very comfortable to sit on a house boat with a bathroom including toilet seat, double bed with mosquito net and white linen. The boat moves slowly through palm-framed channels. More Houseboats cross our path. Nicoletta supports at the bow sitting skipper strong during the regular and customary horns. How else should come: world traveler, always meet twice, and suddenly we see a passing boat our new French friends with the three blond daughters: a quick call and a great joy on both sides, of course, pictures are taken, which are exchanged with security via world travel blog. In addition, go here again many - now young Indian - Honeymoon couples passed us or boats cut full of young Indian men who obviously their coal, they deserve in Doha and Dubai in the IT industry, at the weekend on the head.
There is much life on or in the flow. Old and young women dressed in their colorful Sarie wash dishes and laundry in the river probably not very clean. Kids Swim and jump around in the water. Small houses line the river, sometimes fairly good shape and larger, more common in the humid climate always been rather frayed state. Men are out in their small boats, the water appears to be the main transport for any loads to be. If a wooden boat is fast enough, he gets a lift from one of the many houseboats and may attach to the rear. People help each other, is thought to everyone. There would be room enough on board, all drinks and fish, etc. in advance to invite, but no, we keep on the track twice to soft drinks and fish and in the Liquourstore around the corner, the usual local Kingfisher beer to buy for dinner. Possible many will benefit from tourism on the water, which is also ok, as priced fairly. Strongly suggested a lengthy massage treatment we only get out with the winking Note that we perform is actually a regular basis each other. Very often we are waved cheerfully and bright and the girls are photographed from the shore over the phone. As they soon all three huddled at the front of the rowing boat guide posts, it is also a great picture: A dark Indians on board of an old wooden boat with bamboo roof surrounded by Alexia, Nicole and Antonia with her blond hair.
is currently us a better picture of the diversity and the differences India's present. Colourful, rich and poor, coupled latest technology with traditional washing traditions. "But the joy unites both sides and envy among themselves it seems to be missing. This is all for us in a week - despite all the humidity - the fascination of India.
We spend the night on the boat and in the morning we will wake up to the chirping of crickets and birds chirping. We use the visit of children on the boat to explain to our children that these girls live a different life than she, and certainly not as much food, toys u.ä as they themselves. Then Nicole and Alex decide spontaneously, some of their pins and stickers to give away to the girls. It is sweet to see how happy the two sides will agree on that exchange. Around noon we left our romantic enclave and Sunil is slightly late, but what promised to collect us at the meeting point again. We make another stop on the coast of Kerala and jump one last time in the Indian Ocean. In retrospect, we are glad that we call the "trip" have taken over the Seychelles, because at least the beach on this coast of India bears comparison with the beaches in the Seychelles was not. After all, there are lots of beautiful shells, which of our three "Barby dolls" - an exclamation we hear from the Indians: "Look at the three-Barby Dolls" will be collected with great enthusiasm. The two Great acting unanimously, decide that they send shells to school and kindergarten to be sent.
the day we decide to visit the hairdresser. With great joy, the blond hair supplies, combed, oiled and combed. All three seem to like it very much so far is the time that separates the hair Ariane probably now gone for good. And because Children's Day in India today, we got this haircut for free and the girls can once again eat French fries.
15/11/2009 - 11/24/2009
It worked. We sit on the train to Kozhikode. A lot of activity generated at the station at Alexia the exclamation: "Mommy, you are here, many people, that's there but not at all." A little luxury we admit to ourselves and take the AC variant, that is the dump cars with air conditioning provided and not so crowded. Everyone even gets their own seat. Clean in the European sense you can not call this car. The girls can be so unimpressed that we rattle north. All ¼ hours hectic rush through the gears and hawkers shouting different prices Indian specialties as well as tea and coffee. In Kozhikode awaits us Sunil II, to bring us together with our rather over-sized baggage for vayam. 4h. Drive for about 100 km are planned, we are eagerly awaiting what road conditions are. It becomes quickly evident: outside the city limits a pothole adjacent to the other, it is to cross a mountain pass and it looks very much like rain. Spontaneous, smart and helpful - as we do in India often - Sunil organized II a quick cover for the luggage on the roof, the installation stop immediately the residents come to the rescue to us immediately at the sight of the not of a phase-to-making blondes in her house for coffee . Invite Unfortunately, the driver pushed to leave, so we reject today. As in the wildest ideas, it just overwhelmed with the passport to cross so much that we see nothing, neither of the landscape from the road before us. overtake the joy is in the majority of drivers do not yet tarnished, so we see quite soon, as is the driver in a remote corner overtaking Jeep precisely between 2 lorries wedged.
come after 10 hours travel by train and car we easily knocked out in a homestay vayam one. A family accommodation with 3 guest rooms located in the tropical forest. The 10 year old daughter immediately Vayan socialized with the girls, they sit amicably on the porch and finished chains up for dinner. The dinner is taken together with the other guests, two young American couples and their hosts. It is served up traditional Indian cuisine and the girls suffered a renewed culture shock. We traditionally eat on banana leaves and fingers. Antonia can not believe it and demanded vehemently for their "tea" (teaspoon).
Before we go, shows us Vayan nor their farm. We walk through rice fields to see rubber trees, coffee, poplar Muses, banana and orange trees. Time and again we meet farm workers, waving happily to our girls. On the Way back we pass a group of women working in the field who are loading a lunch break. They invite us to come. We are surrounded by smiling, happy women who work hard all their lives are used in the field. Your interesting, subscribed by the wind and weather features show an industrious, not simple life. We enjoy the moment between palm trees standing, the girls will love passed from arm to arm continues: In the background of rice fields that have a vital food and livelihood, for others self-evidently good, which is simply taken off the shelf at REWE home with because you sometimes just feels like a rice dish. While we do philosophy thoughts on how to create the women, despite working in the field to look clean (We are dirty after only 1.5 hours walk through the rain-soaked fields) - the two worlds united by a ringing phone, which is a of women from her pocket pulls - modern communications world is indispensable.
After a delicious Indian food, we have much too soon - we would love to have stayed a day - go on. The drive through the pouring rain in the partially open jeep inspires us all. The highway is to use a single slippery mud track which takes us through the National Park leads so that we also encounter some of the same elephant. Despite repeated demand affirmative whether the driver knows the way to our next destination, we end up in the wrong resort! Perfectly situated on the lake, but unfortunately - as we, after a lengthy discussion among about 20 men hurrying purposeful and ultimately learn a short phone call - we arrived on the wrong side of the lake. However, no reason to panic. In keeping with the typical Indian mentality, "We will do it" our resort quickly sent a boat across the lake to collect us. The journey by car would have meant further 80km through the national park, the trip by boat takes 10 minutes. Thus we reach with great joy our next location, the Orange County Resort / Kabini by sea. Thanks to our friend John from London and its soon going to be Mrs. Manon we come to special conditions to enjoy this luxury resort. Our gorgeous chalet has its own pool and looks out over the vast lake with mountains in the background. The next 4 days we spend very luxurious with swimming (there is even a 25m wide pool), riding on the elephant house Minaksi, boat and jeep safaris and constant food. As so often, we are the only visitors with children, thereby closing fast friendship with the relevant employees of the house. The safaris allow us to look at a lot of game, some elephants, and - out of the boat - even on a crocodile; highlight is the next day, a bear who crosses our path, an experience that even the Naturalists (call it the Ranger) excited as very rare. Only the tiger is in the thicket, he is spotted here from time to time. re-experiencing a great experience for us all, such animals in the wild to be allowed. Downright embarrassing generosity, we will experience a short walk along the village street. From the first storm, about 3qm large planks hewn from shop owners and not let it take to give the children a pack of their favorite cookies. 500m workers come from the field and try to bring us sugar cane, another 800m further we are intensely asked in a house. This, of course, assuming we find a warm half-hour with tea and bananas, the whole family is gescharrt to us that there were 3 chairs assigned to us next to the pile of rice, which are screened in porch. There is much laughter, primarily communicated with his hands and feet.
After 4 days, we pull in 3-hour ride around in the same group belongs to the Orange County Resort / Coorg, where we will stay in like a beautiful, completely different ambience also a few days. Houses in the Tudor style similar to the English term, in the midst of large Coffee plantations located, lots of green, even here we feel right at home. The home-made coffee allows us to enjoy a day of abstinence, several cups of cappuccino in the lounge Silence. Nature treks led by the Chief Naturalists tell us coffee and pepper plants and a variety of birds. Not only the fascination of the children may imitate the guide about 30 bird calls! We learn a lot, the children use their experience in nature and hiking significantly yoy. Indian city dwellers of all ages. Our field hikes were apparently proper preparation. Here, too, shows that one experiences much beyond the beaten (tourist) path. The walk along the river brings us to a small Village where we are equal time with the local ferry, a so-called Coracle, a sort of large nut shell back and forth across the river. The play picks up as usual, several residents of the village and delights us all.
The international children communicate better and better, the typical 3 standard questions of an Indian can answer both Nicole and Alex fluently: What's your name? Where are you from? First time India? Antonia limited language still important to her on the show: "more boiled egg", "monkey" and particularly in safaris to the delight of the proposed rider to the loud cries of "baby" if all the banned and still observe the passing herd of animals. Furthermore, they recognized the true relationships in an animal does not appear there are more "animal there," but "Papi Photo". Not only does Nicoletta children in conversation and you in German, "Lion Lion in Germany" is a leader. Ariane experienced only a small cultural backlash in those days. For 2 weeks she tried the rest of the family in bringing her desire to spend a night in the nearby monastery of Tibetan exiles, but now it was really original and suitable for such a trip. The previously held half-day trip ends, however, rather disappointing: in addition to us about 500 other visitors there, in particular, several classes from Bengaluro. This spontaneous show little interest in the famous temple, but to overthrow all our girls to this happy to pinch his face. From the 47 answering the question by name, origin and age they have the fax thick and we leave something hastily, forming a protective shield around the children, the building. The courtyard of the romantic Tibetan monastery resembles a mix of older elementary school and barracks, the children find a toilet. It remains at the half-day trip.
heavy heart and after a long farewell procedures move on to Mysore. One of our driver, according to a very small town with "only" 1.1 million people.
Harry and his wife - Sitara Homestay
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