On 29 November the Swiss people vote on the submission, the construction of minarets to prohibit future. The explanation of the initiative is the gradual Islamization of Western European regions. Minarets would be a symbol of islaischen supremacy.
For the bourgeoisie, I welcome the Islam-critical attitude of the founders. For the referendum a ban on circumcision, we will need support. But
what the minarets have to do with Islam problem? Minarets are no more and no less than towers. If a pair of bricks and some cement really ernthafte Bedrohungr? The following points speak against the initiative:
- problems can be solved not by prohibitions
- it is the wrong approach, Islamic fundamentalism, compare with a building
- Fundamentalism is not a synonym for Islam
- minaret ban only targets Islam and is therefore played down other religions is
- Religious conflicts are just "disguised" and not solved
- Cultural diversity can also enrich be
- Left politicians win popularity by a
- Muslims living in the religion more background from
mosques should not be regarded as hostile institutions. Would Muslims their faith properly represented, there would be a lot less bullying. Islam is not a violent religion, but it is envisaged just like other religions is a peaceful accommodation with each other. Mosques can give their families much, which contributes to the fact that the people get along well. Therefore, it may therefore have to do well with prevention of violence, if here and Islamic institutions to be tolerated.
Our SVP demagogues If, rather than compete symbols such as headscarves and minarets, better against serious religious issues. As long under the guise of religious freedom are still little boys are genitally mutilated, it is hypocritical to want to ban any symbols.
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