The FDP is my favorite party. In this country there is no political organization, the Social Darwinism so praises as our dear "Free Democrats". And just as no party in breach as much as the FDP of Article 20, Paragraph 1 of the Basic Law which requires the Federal Republic " a democratic and social federal state" is (I mean really NO, not even the , the and the ).
The only rationale, see these people for themselves is to the dictatorship of capital permanently to enforce in a country without the label of "welfare state" more and more danger of losing.
Everywhere, for cutting red tape, except for things that might be detrimental to the rich and wealthy, such as by the tax authorities access to accounts. Since they prefer discretion to deny their constituents the state as much money and abroad "in security" to address them. The cabaret Volker Pispers commented once aptly: "If the FDP could persuade their voters to just give time to half a year on tax evasion, we would have no problems at all in Germany!"
sister wave has as its own problem-solving strategy: he babbles just assume that "the over-supply in Germany brought to an end" must.
Nee, is clear: This is indeed a point on which we should think again: when a top manager is doing nothing for a settlement of 17.6 million euros and secured in court, claiming that it was still too been little, then this is not a surplus. If a receiver but Hartz 4 345 euros a month just so on the head skin, then you have to command the urgent stop!
This euphemistic overemphasis on the narrow-minded when freedom may be well received. But the part of the population that the brain has not has wrapped up in the Bild newspaper realizes quickly that has the liberal ideology aims to help the most vulnerable, the elderly, sick and disabled - to destroy - all those words that can not provide at the outset itself. I bring now aware of no historical comparison that would be suitable here, but certainly ...
that with the motto "If everyone thinks only of himself, then thought so at all" to win any elections, has apparently now also noted Sister wave . In their traditional Dreikönigstreffen railed class fighters Guido Sun süüüüß against the greed of big business . given good!
pity only that the Guido so unique in the series that Laber jaws (Rüttgers, Beck, Bütikofer etc.) enqueues who talk as if they would actually have a welfare state, but act like they wanted the "Montgomery Burns Award reap for antisocial behavior. "
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