Tuesday, January 9, 2007

ın The Nursery 2010 Mediafire

the sixtieth of the SPIEGEL

the encyclopedia publisher Rudolf Augstein (1923 -2002) has undoubtedly been a significant part in keeping themselves in the political system of the Federal Republic of Germany, relatively quickly took shape after the Nazi dictatorship indispensable elements of democracy.

He was also the first who opposed open to the powers that be and the equally autocratic as paranoid men Adenauer and Strauss criticized without fear. Legendary is the story, as Augstein raised in an editorial meeting the prevention of Strauss for journalistic principle for development of social democracy in the country, saying the simple phrase: "This man must never be chancellor!"

has After all, it took a long time until the Germans have realized that the Registrar deselect recently can. The second Chancellor Ludwig Erhard took office in 1963, was not legitimized by the people, because the alterssenile Adenauer had given up his office (also due to the Spiegel affair the year before) was forced to volunteer during the legislative period. Three years later, Kurt-Georg Kiesinger, and he was not by the people discharged election to this high office. The first real change of Chancellors' came into existence only in 1969 when Willy Brandt for the first time undergoing a period of social democrat his oath of office. Even if that were represented no real change in government, because the FDP had previously already responsible with the conservatives for the government.

If you deal with the history of SPIEGEL terms of content, one is about the year 1994 a remarkable break set: from the former left-liberal "assault gun of democracy" has been slowly but surely, a neo-liberal "battle Journal of conservatism . Strangely, 1994 was exactly the year, took over in which a certain Stefan Aust as editor in chief at the helm. A short excerpt from a television portrait of Austin in 2004:

question the reporter Augstein has answered the question in the MIRROR stand, always left in doubt. How do you answer the same question?

Aust ( vigorously ): In the middle of reality.

For this is to add anything ...

Now I was in 1994, almost exactly 9 years old and I remember that I first fell then the Aust-sheet in his hands. Course content, I understand only station, but I distinctly remember the striking cover art:

About the cover stories of the SPIEGEL me in the past I've always powerful annoyed. However, there was also very beautiful, striking cover stories. My personal Top 5 flop and I now present here. I have considered this the period, since I read the Spiegel active, the year 2001: Top 5

Platz 1

undisputed number one: the way in which the SPIEGEL about the true reasons of military activities of the criminal Bush administration (in the case of Iraq zummindest) reported (e), one can only approve. It would be desirable now that even more often about the real reasons for the moral and military, especially U.S. support for Israel reported, would the well-known did not eat there in the already undisputed "destruction of Israel", but only in the fact that the U.S. has an economic-strategic interest in the Middle East conflict continues as long as possible and as bloody.

No. 2

SPIEGEL No 52/2002: The latest edition of the year in recent years mostly devoted to a religious theme. This cover story provided the SPIEGEL her current scientific findings on the invention of the faith. Generally the attitude of the paper on "Religion" is still logical in the agnostic setting Augstein. Repeatedly indirectly out that religion is not different in the words of the philosopher Christoph Türcke as "a large trifle."

3rd place

No 28/2002 SPIEGEL: Sometimes it is yet but that the mirror brings articles critical of capitalism. Since these are soo scarce, this story did very well!

place 4

SPIEGEL 2 / 2001: Nice presentation of the history of our former foreign minister. Not polemical, but realistically, the development described the over-the open, for the stone throwers career he would not be ashamed of my opinion - on the contrary, in times like today, in which there is almost slick, boring mama's boy without any biographical break in German politics, the old fisherman Jockel a light. How much precludes his policy as Secretary of State originally represented the ideals, is an entirely different matter.

Place 5

SPIEGEL No 53/2004: Excellent and manage award-winning cover story Beslan massacre in 2004.

Flop 5

Platz 1

SPIEGEL No 43/2005: "The game with the poor - like the welfare state invites self-service". As have we do it: the perfect picture of the true Wirtschsaftsideologie trying to indoctrinate the mirror of his readers (particularly the responsibility of Aust's Crown Prince Gabor Steingart): Germany is a country of social parasites, which are trying to unemployed than 4 million idlers, to to make the expense of hard working people a great spring ... The title appeared at the time when the then "super" minister Wolfgang Clement Hartz-4 receiver as "parasites", described damage to the society and they would suck for their own benefit. This horrific and deeply verachtendwerten sentence he's even get away come and sit in today's All backside flat in Board the conglomerate RWE , where he once almost enough for doing nothing more than one hundred thousand euros a year. But by doing nothing that he's not hurt the company, neiiiin ... He still works for the people and reports - if necessary - continue to speak, when an unemployed of this parasitic Gesocks it allows incredible 345 euros a month to throw out the window ... And the mirror with hoots and more powerful.

No. 2

MIRROR No. 50/2006: "In the past life - Why do so many study the wrong thing."
Hardly a cover story made me so angry lately, as it directly affects me, too. Idiots tables and rankings of the company "McKinsey" (the somewhat trained operative comes with this keyword automatically Galle high), in which it only a question of who deserves how much after graduation. Westerwelle and Co. will be hopping again with cheers at the ceiling, "Der Spiegel shows that students in the humanities and social sciences at last, where the goat has the honey of this long-haired Geschhmeiß squandered our precious money, to learn about such unnecessary things how to teach children the German language or as a demokratiosches community should look, according to the ancient philosophers. What a waste of time! " The ladies and gentlemen of the mirrors are not on the Idea that students, for example, can be very beneficial for personal development and for the cultural and social education. So the university is now nothing more than a Abrichtungsmaschine for economic utilization? Which I can withdraw in good spirits. SPIEGEL so alarmist report brings me at least not to my politics, sociology and Germanic studies give to me to share with excessively gelled hair and pink polo shirt in boring business management seminars. I am also happy to satisfy later with a much lower content ...

3rd place

SPIEGEL No 37/2003: This was all a "conspiratorial Spinner taunts ", which also only partially logged in. doubt the veracity of the U.S. version of 9 / 11
This is embarrassing, because ignorant and unscientific

place 4

MIRROR No. 34/2006.. That was diminishing now also extremely embarrassing attempt by the prudish, nationalist and arch-conservative SPIEGEL Culture Chefs Matthias Matussek, the literary output of Günter Grass. unfair in any way pulls Matussek ago on grass, as if he had been waiting for this, that Germany's most important living author can make a mistake. The late SS confession of Grass to see critical, but it can not be too has tried - destroy as that of the mirror experiment here - fortunately in vain.

Place 5

SPIEGEL No 46/2001: That was a cheap and strapless plea for participation by the Bundeswehr in the illegal war against Afghanistan. This shows where the line is to find the U.S. criticism of the mirror: in his arschkriecherischen forced, because of eternal gratitude for the "liberation" from Nazi terror the Americans (almost) to follow unconditionally, if necessary - see Afghanistan - and in a war of aggression.


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