Today I dedicate myself to the provocative topic of "religion." While it is open to anyone, to believe whatever always want it and to follow whomever he wants. However, I would like to explain my point by telling myself in the near future one of the so-called "world religions" vorknöpfe and explain to try, why I reject it. Let me start with my opinion, the most dangerous world religion, Christianity. More precisely, the leader of the Catholics.
"Lily is thirteen years old. A girl from Zambia. Her father died when she was nine years old when her mother died she was twelve.
The election of Joseph Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVΙ cemented final recognition that the Vatican after the U.S. administration's contradictory and negligent government prevails in the world. If the 115 cardinals actually care about the problems of developing countries would, they would not have an overwhelming majority of Germans voted who is not even a hint liberal or even reform-friendly is. Not only atheists, but especially those who actually have as Christians can see, this should be clear choice put in big trouble. But apparently sees the youth of the world quite differently from the explosion of religion these days is to read very much, the young people were happy about the election of hardliner. How can that be? difficult to answer is not. Young people are in times where it (scheinbar!!) Is no longer a clear enemy (as it had the 68-generation) and he will only find little support in search for a deeper meaning in life. They found already in the media hero-worship of Ratzinger's predecessor. That, however, was already, as the unworldly moral teachings of Mr. Ratzinger, the majority of young people whistle. They mingle prefer their own "values cocktail" together by all kinds of moral teachings internalize the values they like best, no doubt a progressive development. The Vatican will therefore see in the developed world continue to (have to), as more people flee the churches. And quite honestly, it is regrettable that this aspect is not really ...
Where the Vatican criticized the middle of the blind murder of the Nazis to Communists, Jews, homosexuals, Gypsies and others of this crime out of pure self-interest not a word was commemorated in 2003, to speak out against the Iraq war. Here, the Vatican argued with human rights, what is not wrong is. But he who denies his own faithful the most fundamental rights, loses heavily on credibility: She will partout refused the ordination, although they do demonstrably more than half of community work. They are oppressed still and we can not females be angry if it has the impression, considered by the Catholic Church as second-class human being. Of pregnant women consulting the Catholic Church has folded in 1999 (the main reason why was already Ratzinger). Celibacy is the biggest joke in history. The Bible nowhere mentions really forced was used for abstinence for priests once only to the fact that the inheritance after the death is not the offspring, but the Church flowing not. The fact that fewer young people want to be a priest should be surprising, given the backwardness anyone. The men who are still able, because of the celibacy law rarely produce a healthy development of their sexual appetite, which is why the Vatican is a significant involvement in the many perverted pedophile scandals helps priests.
The sexual morality of the Catholic Church is not at all very strange. Time and again these stock stiff-hards misery complain in the Third World, are but the rejection of birth control, Contraception and abortion itself largely to blame for this misery. Mr Ratzinger castigates in his books and the progress of genetic engineering is not compatible with the dignity of man. If he is not at the same time one man every dignity when he declared homosexuality a sin? And is not exactly the worst blasphemy, because ultimately it is his God, some people have the tendency to same-sex love? A very sad signal the election of Ratzinger is also because just as useful moral voices Drewermann and Hans Küng of that Ratzinger once the teaching license was revoked just because they expressed a necessary and overdue criticism have. The fact is that the Catholic Church will now continue to be a place of mutual exchange and discussion, but a place of unconditional obedience without thought, and the boss at the head of the Vatican is
for the international reputation of Germany in general, for good reasons in any case is not really refreshing, the Ratzinger-choice also means little good. Now Germany's critics see the world as confirmation that the Germans are rigidly conservative. One is definitely wrong view, but it will not be disenchanted by Ratzinger.
The successor of the then chief Peter champagne is certainly the first Pope's own tabloid. The "image" shouted immediately after the dodderer had their geröchelt "Habemus Papam": "We are Pope!", And responded as early Vatican meet on the first criticism: the Englishman who dared to mention that Ratzinger once in the Hitler youth this was to be loud, "image" will soon have to cook already in hell. With an added "image" Exceptionally, however, indisputably right: Ratzinger is a highly intelligent man. But he is also the very best example of that intelligence and wisdom are not the same.
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