... is it still redeem. Some time ago I noted briefly what you can do with coconut oil, bird food and some creativity Sun I feed the birds in our Garden passionate and it was to feed this winter a little tired of getting only the conventional bird seed and the known diets. The results are beautiful little Futterküchlein. You need to coconut oil, rolled oats, sunflower seeds, ordinary feed mixtures for birds and small baking pan. The can on the image shown next cookie cutter, you think away the string you - this experiment is unfortunately failed miserably * grin *.
In a large saucepan over medium heat, you heat the coconut oil,
stir from time to time until it has completely dissolved. But please do not bring to a boil!
Now just the oats, feed mix, sunflower seeds, like some nuts, raisins, etc. pour in and stir well.
this mixture into the baking pan type. I have tried different forms - which must simply try out.
can now cool down the coconut oil - is the best course in the refrigerator. If everything well chilled and hard again has become, you can roll down the forms and the small Futterküchlein should fall out. If not - the forms simply have a short time in warm water, then coconut oil will again be a bit different and the chickens can be easily removed from the mold.
Well, so nice to see the bird seed cake so:
power it was her, right? Well, at least until the little feathered friends are attacked it.