Thursday, November 25, 2010

Audit Sample Size Calculators

How the Great ...

It is every year the same phenomenon: The holiday season is suddenly there, one has however not properly set for Christmas (only since August in the supermarkets offered Advent give as a quiet foreboding ...) and then * bang * it is: The 1st Advent.
Next Sunday we now have ignited the first Kerzlein and want this course in a cozy, Christmas and contemplative atmosphere to do ... why not, it's really nice when everything shines in the soft candle light and is so cuddly.

So in recent days in the house Gartenbuddelei the time has come the advent and decorating the boxes and bags, which bob up and down forget the rest of the year in the attic, were brought down, examined and unpacked.

For Christmas music sounds, it has then my son the crackling fireplace made comfortable with his journal ... like the big * grin *,

while mom all in the past years has distributed Christmas treasures collected in the house. Oh, wonderful childhood!

This year I have divided my Christmas decorations by color. Today I'd like my "gold and white decoration" show, which has found its place in our living room window.

here has come together so all hand, some Christmas, sometimes not. But I think now that's part of the stimulus. I am trying to make the Christmas decorations every year different. I take this much time and make me even before my mind how should it look like this year.

For my family it's exciting every year, which can probably come up with Mama. So, at least not be bored to ...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Budget Villa For Rent For A Month In Bali

Tax "fair" initiative: life is expensive!

This is a proposal submitted to it therefore be introduced for all cantons of Switzerland for a minimum tax rate for private wealth and income. Annual income that exceeds CHF 250'000 .-- to 22%, capital of CHF 2,000,000 .-- with 0.5% tax will be punished. This is quite irrespective from where the income or wealth comes from. An honest citizen who has built his wealth and risk his business and is now dependent on the revenues to be financially ruined in this way and sold literally from Switzerland.
The initiative, which is represented by some SP-affiliated politicians as fair turns out to be in Reality as total expropriation measure, which the state seeks to possess virtually the entire national wealth. Self-employed business, saving private assets, and develop economically by such a measure is virtually impossible, as almost one in four francs, which one deserves to be ceded to the State. Should we allow envy and resentment against the better-paid driving us all to financial ruin?

Switzerland is not a typical commodity country where the people sitting on oil reserves and with very little effort can reap a big profit. The economy is based on industry and trade. Technological advances and increasing globalization one is in these sectors constantly dependent on innovation and investment, while tends to decrease with increasing pressure of competition the profit margins. Building a business, it was a production company or a trading company, claims an enormous sum investment (assets), which is often only an annual net revenue in the single digit percentage range is currently facing.

As an example, consider a property administrator, in Zurich's center a residential complex with 100 apartments worth a total of 20 million. Franken has purchased half of them paid and self-interest on the other half as a mortgage with the bank. From a cheap rented apartment is a net monthly income of around 200 - to be expected. This results in this case a net annual income of 240,000 .--. In terms of the investment of 10,000,000 .--, the profit margin 2.4% of invested assets, or about as high as the rate of a youth savings account. Assuming that this tax increase would come into force, the landlord would have to invest CHF 10 million. all 2 million. exceed taxable in this case 8 million .- with 0.5%, which is CHF 40'000 .--. So that his net profit is reduced to 2% of the invested sum of money. He would have his estate for 50 years without further investment to need to make the same price, rent, so that the business is worth. Varying fees would be fully passed on to the tenant because the landlord has no financial reserves. In short, the millionaire owner is punished, the more expensive, the student flat.

This initiative aims to destroy the private sector sustainable in order to bring the economy into a Marxist form. Hypocritical politicians themselves, credit to the taxpayer financed several 100'000 .-- franc annual salary stir up a real envy of all, is anybody in the industry to greater financial success than she should not talk about justice in the first one once the fees of the politicians take a closer look? It is time that we can no longer manipulate this Heuchlerbande what we will illustrate with a no at the ballot box.

Monday, November 22, 2010

'spanish Subjunctive Powerpoint'

offenders sent home: deportation initiative or counter-proposal?

On 28 November 2010 has demonstrated the Swiss electorate the opportunity to his outward attitude to crime tourists. The expulsion initiative calls for certain serious crimes are punishable by a future deportation and subsequent travel ban. The idea aims to make Switzerland attractive for honest people by violent criminals no room will get more.

The arguments for the initiative are strong: Provocation, bullying and theft are, above all in urban and suburban communities, almost to the agenda. Drug dealers and fights dominate the urban nightlife. Burglary, murder and arson are in reality rather than on feature films almost fit. In short, the youth today reaping the mess that this seemingly pacifist post-war generation have brewed us. It should be about reason of state to have to tolerate any rogue? The proposed initiative is to stop this deportation issue clear boundaries.

other hand, it is questionable to base the criteria for deportation only to a list of Straftatent rather than the severity of any offense. Order to encourage and provide an alternative, the National Council has prepared a counter-proposal, which relates the expulsion criterion of whether you get for the fact a minimum sentence of one year in prison or not.

ideas of the initiative and counter-proposal:
Initiative: There should be a list of specific offenses. Anyone who commits this is to be created and re-entry being refused.
counter-proposal: Every type of crime could lead to deportation, it all depends on the severity. An act which in any event includes a mandatory minimum sentence of one year or a total sentenced prison sentence of 2 years will be punished will be considered an expulsion criterion.

At first glance, both proposals seem like they would prefer the protection of victims of the offender protection. But if you some facts legally challenged, is emerging, which of these proposals appropriate.

Example 1: The 12 - year-old Southeastern states beaten another school child and forces him to the next day CHF 100 - to bring. Issue: extortion by violence, when committed intentionally and planned crime. Consequences today: Nothing. Some minors know their legal loopholes. Consequences gem. Counter-proposal: Nothing. Minors do not get any jail sentence and will not be deported so. Consequence acc. Initiative: deportation.

Example 2: "sans-papiers" steals in a department store food. Issue: Theft by person who is incompetent because of their basic needs of. Consequence today: display, potential debt-wahrscheilich desire to no avail. Consequence of counter-proposal, nothing else. Consequence of the initiative: even otherwise. There is no besoders perfidious, heavy with low motivation or prior criminal offense.

Example 3: German scientist that deals with historical events from the 2nd World War is concerned, and writes a report that many politicians are not in the stuff fits. Sentenced to 26 months in jail for thought crime (Holocaust denial, doubting of historical facts). Consequence acc. Counter-proposal: prohibiting entry, he was sentenced to 2 years and 2 months imprisonment. Consequence acc. Initiative: Nothing happens, as long as the item "thought crimes" is not on the crimes of deportation list.

Considering the case as Boris Becker, who had because of his tax stories almost get a multi-year prison sentence, it should be obvious that this counter-proposal meets with great probability used incorrectly. Peaceful scientists and tax evaders could be more severely punished by the counter-proposal be as violent offenders. Sure makes the deportation initiative lot to be desired, but it represents the rule of law better than the other proposal.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Famous Doctors Treat Vitiligo In India

Rainy Sundays ...

... are ideal to provide clients with little six-year, a new monumental work:

With great attention to detail glued and decorated - and sometimes even nibble course of the available building materials. You have to know, after all, if everything is all right, right?

The Witch and Hansel and Gretel could also be missing in any case.

the end but something on which has been the mistress of the house happy. On Saturday I was on a beautiful antique flea market in our neighborhood and I bought this beautiful bonbonnière.

match, there was also a beautiful large plate of biscuits, etc. This is the moment next to the bonbonnière and waits still fit them on a dish rack so that it can be draped on edge and it better to advantage. By the way, the plate was an early Christmas present my dearest friend, it - like me - could not bear that these jewels should be separated from each other * grin *. Many thanks again to this point, my love!

And next time I show you what you can tinker from bird seed, coconut oil and some other ingredients Sun

Monday, November 8, 2010

What Does A Illinois License Look Like

Golden Girls Learn

In the last few days it has rained on us like buckets and stormed out very strong. Accordingly, now the big trees on our property have had virtually all the leaves fall at once. Well, and then saw it in the garden also:

Our cherry - empty:

Our Japanese ornamental cherry - empty (the gutter for full more)

So the cleanup and sweeping leaves today really paid off tomorrow. After I had seen three hours before and after the House in order, I am also sorry that's it - Autumn Magic is all well and good - but eventually it goes, right?

Our organic waste was of course already filled to the brim, so that all the leaves in first Bags had to be temporarily stored and then gradually to migrate to the ton. For us, organic waste is emptied only every 14 days - that's sometimes a bit difficult, especially in spring and autumn.

After I had done all the work I had to quickly make a few photos of evidence, for tidy so beautiful it will look so probably not too long - the forest, which is located in our immediate vicinity, is certainly still plenty of foliage provide supplies.

In the beds I leave the foliage until spring are in fact always. Until then, it has been a rot and the plants thus serves also as a winter protection - and a bit of laziness is here ;-).

In the summer our garden is virtually no cost. The leaves wall with our neighbors is so dense that we are totally for us. In the winter months, then falls on the first ever of how close we are our neighbors.

But no matter - the next summer to come. And now coming cozy winter time I need urgently to consider new garden projects for next year - you do it always? I dig in the winter months, all the garden magazines and books out, I am inspired and plan before, what the new features and improvements are due next year.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Confidentiality Agreement Human Resource

time ...

Goldner Will even with sun rays

the Autumn gold leaf paint.

Even my view, the Green hold so

then flows into light and gold.

(Karl Mayer, 1834)