Thursday, July 29, 2010

Baby Footprint With Angel Wings Poem

Dünenhotel Eulenhof in St. Peter-Ording

, St. Peter-Ording Hotel in St. Peter Bad Eulenhof your reservation or your reservation

Dünenhotel Eulenhof in St. Peter-Ording, Hotel on the North Sea coast. Find your North Sea holiday for a hotel in St. Peter-Ording with great singles and doubles? YES? - Then you are here in the dunes hotel Eulenhof correctly. The privately-run hotel is located in the district of St. Peter-Bad and in addition to the rooms, hotel apartments and still no service available. Start your day with some trains in the bright pool. After that take place for breakfast and enjoy the great breakfast buffet with products from the local region of North Friesland. Depending on the weather, now a beautiful day in front of you - on the beach -. Duch the Kurwald Forest on a walk or through the dunes area may be announced also shopping in the afternoon, because the center desOrtsteiles bathroom are just a short walk, such as for the crossroad Fr. village, the historic village of St. Peter-Ording. Freshly showered and in a good mood, of course, is now really lazy - in eimen of the many beach chairs around the hotel. If you spa or Saunafan? Yes, that pleases us, because we have 3 different saunas ready a Finnish sauna, bio sauna and an infrared sauna. Let but the day with a glass of cool red "end of nahegelengenen wine bar routine - back to the hotel it's off to the nearby seafront with the wide view of the foreshore, the sea and an amazingly beautiful and romantic sunset. Then we cuddle in bed and we look forward to the next friendly day in St. Peter-Ording - the DUNES HOTEL Eulenhof.
reservation or booking:
Dünenhotel Eulenhof
St. Peter-Ording
In Bath 91-95
25826 St. Peter-Ording
phone 04 863 96 550
Next pictures Dünenhotel Eulenhof Sankt Peter-Ording:

Indoor Dünenhotel Eulenhof

relax and sunbathe around the house

rest and relaxation away from the hustle and bustle - but still centrally located.

Sauna Hotel Eulenhof

Dünenhotel <br>Eulenhof 3 verschiedne Saunen
our hotel guests will find 3 different saunas
  • Finnish sauna, bio sauna
  • infrared sauna
  • showers and sauna utensils are in the anteroom
  • sauna and bath towels are our free

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bleeding With Monistat

petition filed against genital mutilation of both sexes!

Circumcision is a Jewish-Muslim ritual in which the genitals of children mutilation. Thus, the constitutional human right to physical integrity is violated. An incapacitated person is felt that this ritual is not practiced in theory. Some states, however, seem to make religious traditions of universal human rights; Here in Central Europe under the guise of religious freedom Children in the age cut incapable of discernment.

is interesting except the that female circumcision is strictly prohibited and criminalized. Boys can still be trimmed. The picture thus represents very well the link between the ubiquitous dominant ideologies: feminism with a sufficient dose of religious fanaticism. Many Ideologisten find pleasure in it that are cut in Islam and Judaism guys, whatever may be the reason why you let it go by law as "religious freedom". Feminism, Judaism or Islam, by and large the same.

Religious freedom is a fundamental right of every Person. For this reason, in principle, exert every person's religion fully with all its rituals. As part of the general contract theory but it will take for each act, the so-called act. Act in a legal sense means you have to be judicious and have reached the age of consent. If these conditions are not met, probably one can conclude exactly as it contracts with big consequences, generally can not make any surgical intervention. thinking may think and speak, any person may act-Empowered : The democratic principle is.

religious fundamentalism: he begins and thus he ends:

first image: Jewish fundamentalists, trim a defenseless infant. Religious education can not start soon enough for some.
second image: honor killing of a Muslim woman. Thus ends religious fundamentalism.

a long overdue political advance:

who has recently taken place in Germany often deals with politics, should have noticed an encouraging news: Activists of the so-called "Webjungs" have been recently tuned in Bundestag to file a petition, the Circumcision of boys, and it is forbidden for girls for a long time to ban all in the harmony goal of equal rights, too.

is still the chance for real success is very small, as in West Germany is still an alliance of religious fanatics and feminists occupied a significant position of power. However, it is an important milestone: The public silence was broken. At least, this step is a ray of hope for those who tried, for example in Switzerland, together with SD, FPS, and various right-wing exponents, to introduce a nationwide bays and ban on circumcision, which is then due to the SVP "anti-minaret Initiative not materialize came.
(SVP party leadership knew, and the importance that a right-wing Alliance for this human rights-related concerns. Through the initiative of the minaret ban on circumcision was purposely drawn a line through the bill).

Despite everything we have to confront sooner or later the question of whether our rights or the public policy under the guise of religious freedom, some religious rituals are more important. (What I argue, should be reading through the blogs you can).

That will be the following petition a success is now very questionable, as the red-green scene in Germany still has as strong a force that such concerns tend toward Stake banished is implemented instead. With public debate over this issue, we share the government is pretty under fire.


decide the German Bundestag, may be protected that girls and boys equally before the mutilation of their genitals.


with the printed matter 867/09 proposes an amendment to the Criminal, clarifies the making female genital mutilation a criminal offense. It will include a prosecution in foreign countries.

really important and this initiative is so wrong is to deny the boy to protect their physical integrity.

The score against female circumcision in the cited case referred to grounds and on boys' circumcision: can

"Appropriate interventions by religious, medical or other ideas, with which they are justified, not justified. Set independently from the consent of those affected
punishable injustice is, the 'consent' or even rise durchdie parental care is a serious abuse of custody "

As little as the" milder "forms of female circumcision are tolerated so little. it is acceptable to change the sexual and non-sexual feelings of the man by the constant exposure of the glans
sustainable if it is not the effective consent.

also in male circumcision under modern medical conditions you may experience serious complications. The sheer number of anesthesia accidents circumcision of babies in the United States is estimated at several hundred per year. Worldwide, however, circumcision of boys with primitive tools and no anesthesia is performed, which often cause serious damage, infertility or even leads to death. In South Africa, for example, die each year about 100 boys a result of such circumcisions.

circumcision (female and male!) Affect the freedom of religion. Just who are the circumcision as an important religious character sees that it must preserve children from this irreversible procedure to secure their negative religious freedom in later adult life.

human rights are indivisible, the law must be made more gender-neutral!