Sometimes I ask myself about the outcry that occurs when any new study is published, that nothing to the long known as a common ground.
Today the media reported the results of a study Unicef, has found that Germany is a child-hostile country. Oh no, come on, relevant only!
known that fact for a long time, it just failed to act. Such economized Society as we are developing into an accumulation of many millions of egos, their scope is limited in principle to satisfy their own interests. What are we to think using common sense can already, has now been reaffirmed through the social research: Children are most Germans worth a damn.
just one small example among many: a situation such as occurs countless times in Germany, including recently in a suburb of Munich: two-year-old boys enjoy themselves while playing soccer in the home garden, kicks and cheers echo across the lawn . From time to time the round game machine flies over time the fence into the territory of neighbors, a retired couple. The gray-haired neighbors have compared the noise of the children so much annoyed that they decided to start a small war. The family is reported for noise pollution. To have legal protection that put the ball out sassy seniors only against receipt. The retirees can not enter into any constructive dialogue with the parents who want "just in peace" have. The mother breaks regularly if their despair into tears when her boys they ask, "Mom, why these people hate us," Viewed in a report of the "ZDF", this story is symbolic of the typical German Phenomenon of child hostility.
want fewer and fewer people in Germany, their own children. Currently requires a woman in Germany on average 1.3 offspring into the world, the long-term population portfolio management, however, would need 2.1.
A by the then Federal Minister for Family Affairs Renate Schmidt commission was convened in early May 2005, the report "sustainable family policy" out be specified in the new reasons for the lack of children. The big problem, so the expertise is indeed still the drastically increasing number of childless, but also the remarkable shrinkage of the multiple-child families preparing care professionals. Too many children in countries like the USA (birth rate: 2.1), the proportion of Gebärverweigerer is 25 percent, but there are twice as many families with at least three children as us. "The concentration of political action alone to childlessness and the facilitation of the first child is wrong," says the sociologist Hans Bertram, who held the chair of the Commission and also led the recent UNICEF study. In this country, education and professional success have been almost as contraceptives. The training period for women academics have been expanding over the last thirty years by several years. After the women have any established professional, a child is therefore not usually questioned because the German system of care measures can be described without exaggeration as a pigsty. Academics are increasingly unwilling to limit their working life so far that the best child care possible. This must be done emancipatory still a lot, insert it in the future more men finally called "baby break". All too often, however, can be seen in conversation with career-oriented women, that they wanted a better family policies even when no children, they were too demanding, then also the good life was over. How did it come to this, that for so many people own Children are not the greatest life dream, but being considered as "end of life"? The record-high number of convinced and happy singles may be a key reason TV shows like "Super Nanny", in which children are portrayed as permanently crying nuisances likely, the ailing child enthusiasm to help not just the jumps. The low birthrate is
although by no means the only evidence for the German children's hostility. "Children are worth a damn," headlined the Berliner "newspaper in early March last year. Basis of this bold thesis was a former Unicef study, which showed that one in ten children in Germany lives in poverty. In contrast to the absolute poverty that prevails in some developing countries, we speak of relative poverty in developed countries. The children must not nearly so much as the people starving in Ethiopia, but the psychological component of this soul crushing poverty. A participation in social life is possible for children from poor strata, because they are recreational activities (football club, theater group, etc.) can not LESIT. An ascent of this Sitiuation is only in exceptional cases in there, because the German education system discriminates against disadvantaged groups and deliberately suppressed. What the material situation of children is concerned, the FRG ranguiert even behind the Czech Republic! Sounds funny, but it is really so!
poverty means in this country from a financial point of view, income situation, which is less than half of the so-called median income. The poverty line is therefore in Germany for a single parent with a child in 1088 € net per month, a couple is having two children from an income below € 1958 as poor. Reasons for this increasing poverty continue to be the bad social policy (stagnant wages) and also the social trend of the general dislike of children. Looking for a family with five children after a row house with six or seven rooms, so come by owner almost always a rejection with the subtle hint that they think they are for the house but rather a stand-alone, elderly couple would have liked. "If they bring finally a dog, which distributes his excrement on the walls of buildings interfere, which is then not at all strangely.
Germany is therefore generally very child-hostile, or, more euphemistically, "kinderentwöhnt. To change that, should first of all a child-friendly policies must be anchored. Targeted support for children and young people from disadvantaged groups and education must be a primary goal. The recently introduced family allowance, that the poor once again blatantly disadvantaged, first of all must be replaced by one that is socially equitable "education money". Also need kindergarten, primary and secondary schools considerable investment, particularly in qualified staff. The old red-green federal government has already reduced the number of all-day schools increased significantly, but we must work on the French model of a school system that only knows even day care. Only when these conditions are met, is the attitude of people can turn back and they will have children and maybe even eventually serve as the back to see what it actually is: the most beautiful, which is his own can fill life with meaning.